Lady brings 23 family members on a first date unannounced. Tiny butthole robots are the future.

Man goes on a first date with a lady that brings 23 family members. Thieves break into an escape room to crack a safe full of riddles. Scientists drive a tiny robot around inside a living butthole. // Weird AF News is the only daily weird news podcast hosted by a comedian because I believe your daily dose of weird af stories deserves a comedic spin.

A man goes on a first date with a woman and she twenty-three family members along for the meal.

Twenty twenty has been a bad year for singles that are on the dating scene lockdowns and social distancing guidelines of really put a damper on finding that perfect partner. But things aren’t all that bad at least you’re not this guy in China who went on a first date with the woman who brought along twenty three of her relatives. The story begins in Shanxi Province, where a twenty nine year old man who had been having trouble finding some love during the pandemic was set up on a date by his his own mother. He was looking forward to this date range to meet her at a restaurant to enjoy a meal together. When he went to the restaurant as they had planned, he walked in to find his date had turned up with twenty three of relatives. The date said let’s all eat together. And despite not receiving any advanced warning that the party for two had turned into actually a party for twenty five demand sat down and ate with this family of strangers. This article has a lot of details. It says, as they ate, the table filled up with expensive meals and alcohol, which is date in her family members enjoyed happily at the end of the meal. The man was given the bill by the restaurant staff and he was shocked to find that it came to a total of twenty thousand one or about three thousand dollars. Unable to pay the bill the man snuck out of the restaurant without anyone noticing and returned home leaving the woman to foot the bill. I I don’t I. Don’t believe this story is I’ve tried to corroborate the story it seems fake to me. Would you get all these details about you know everything that happened It says here when she realizes her date was nowhere to be found. The woman was reportedly surprised and attempted to contact him to no avail. She had no choice but to pay for them pay for the meal and then you’re surprised that you pay had to pay for the meal you surprise this guy skipped out. I don’t know how he lasted this long I mean I would turn around and walk the hell out. As soon as I saw, you brought the whole tribe with you. I mean that’s not okay with no warning no warning you show up to dinner with twenty-three people your relatives kids elderly I assume. Ask why she brought her family members with her on the first day, the woman said. I was actually testing whether this man who might potentially be my boyfriend would be generous enough to pay for all twenty five people including himself in myself I think this is a fake story. Can Anyone Do Another group, search your hold on now I mean I’m finding multiple sources that say the same story I mean it seems to me to be real I can’t imagine that someone would try and get away with this. I just cannot in the dating world I mean we’ve all had bad dates right? We’ve all had. People. Show up with just. Aronie expectations and. Trying to be about it right. I mean, this is just a crazy person. The woman insists that she was the victim as she ended up having to pay for the meal. How how were you the victim here? You’re surprise that you end up paying for the meal. I mean, you just totally sabotage date and try to sneak your whole family in for some free food and then you surprised. It says here, people online weren’t so short about her being the victim they commented that regardless of who pays on a first date ambushing the other party with twenty three of your family members is never going to go over well. The story ends here by saying. So let this be a warning to anyone thinking of testing prospective partners when meeting them for the first time. If you do be prepared for it to backfire spectacularly. Yeah I mean, I, think we all know that that’s pretty. Obvious you’ve gotta it’s a I. It’s a first meeting, right? It’s a first date. So so be normal be normal. The guy is partly to blame as well. I, mean he did he did continue he sat down and ate with the family. So he’s not completely off the hook here. You gotta just turn around and walk out buddy I. Don’t know what you’re doing there. Because he ate and then skip out he actually you know stole a meal technically himself as well, which is not okay. It’s not okay. You should just turned around said I’m so sorry. I forgot I gotta go back home and walk the dog I don’t know come up with something I GotTa Halloween Costume I, gotTa finish because it’s going to be a big weekend for me. I gotta go something. Or just straight out say, Hey, this is supposed to be a date with you. Not, all of your entire family tree.

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A break in at an escape room, but the thieves only find riddles when they crack the safe.

Last week and escape room called mysterious him in the U. Trek Netherlands was broken into. But the thieves that broke into this escape from didn’t seem to be the sharpest tools in the box. Apparently, the perpetrators spent a considerable amount of time in that escape from trying to break into an antique safe. This safe was merely part of the escape room ambience. It is a prop therefore, it’s part of the escape room. They think it’s real hilarious after battling with the safe for a while they finally got it open even though the key was actually hidden around the corner. When they cracked it open, they found riddles and clues and that was it. Although there was no cash into safer them to walk away with they did find ten dollars and they stole some candy and soft, drinks Score. Did you have a good time at the escape room at least I? Mean it costs a considerable amount to be in one of those escape rooms. What does it’s like fifty bucks a person so they I mean, they had some free escape room time as well. So that’s worth something. They had a good time. They beat the escape room clearly, they crack the safe and they managed to get out so good for them. Good for them. Annamaria, Jian Tassio is the owner of this escape room mysterious and She says, this is not the first burglary they’ve had to deal with. A vandalism has been a recurring issue lately. Here’s a quote from her. It is especially annoying that we have to deal with these kinds of matters such cowardly action in difficult Cova Times will only bring us destruction and sorrow. Wow. That’s pretty deep will only bring us destruction and Sarah. Yes I agree. Despite the corona and the break in the mysterious escape room is still open for groups of up to four people. Hey, that’s pretty cool. I was wondering if rooms were still operating I don’t. Think they’re operating in the states? Does anybody know I’m not sure about that? It’s tough to do in doing escape room right now in anything indoor that’s in cramped quarters is is a bit risky these days. I know in southern California we’re not even allowed to eat food in a restaurant indoors it must have outdoor seating, but I think other parts of the country are a little lenient. So maybe there are escape rooms that are available right now. The owner of this escape room, of course was pretty pissed that she had to buy a brand new safe. For her escape room because the thieves wrecked it in their attempts to find some money these dummies. Here’s a quote from her finally she says, by the way I’m curious whether those burglars would to escape at all if they were inside a guest. She. Just. She just kept it really entire time. It’s very cocky about it although she was robbed not really rob so badly but I, just she’s like Oh. Yeah. Come on back guys see if you can get out as a guest I dare you. It’s almost as though she’s putting it out there as a dare this is pretty good publicity though for the escape room I would say for her so good for her I. Hope she gets a lot of business out of this. and. If you’re thinking, of Robin a place, just think twice about an escape from the that seems to be the one of the worst places you could rob. I mean, it’s just it’s already set up for confusion. Why would you? Why would you even screw with that? I just don’t understand it at all. What do you think escape rooms are raking in the dough right now during the pandemic what do you think is going on here? No absolutely not. and. Then, of course, there’s the challenge of getting in and out of these places I did a story what over a year ago where burglars broke into an escape Roman were trapped and couldn’t get out and the police showed up and arrested him just like anyone remember that one. It just seems like a stupid target at the end of the day just my opinion I’m not a burglar

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Scientists drove a tiny robot inside a butthole.

It it’s the world’s first a team of scientists at purdue built a tiny micro robot that can be operated inside a but a of a real living animal possibly a human one day. That’s what they’re hoping for. Don’t you want a little tiny micro robot up your but moving around what the hell are they doing up there I dunno let’s find out.

Science knows what they’re doing I assume. The. Goal is to one day allow tiny robots to deliver drugs to different parts of the patient’s body greatly enhancing their effects in applications. I would still deliver drugs a little tiny robot drug dealer going right up your colon knocking on doors like, Hey, you guys WanNa hit you need a hit. Would you guys want you guys WanNa bag? What do you need I? Got It all I got uppers downers left as writers yellow ones red ones. I got everything you need. Yeah. A robot that delivers drugs up your button. I never thought I’d see a day. You know it’s wonderful. We got these tiny robots that can go up and deliver drugs yet. We can’t cure the nut allergy I gotta live with this nut allergy no scientists doing miracles. Heine robots that can go up your body and cure you of whatever the hell. But yeah, you know that nut allergy live with that. You’re going to have to live with that. No. Here’s what we got for you Jones an EPI pen this piece of crap the EPI pen stab yourself in the ass with a needle. That’s all we got. Yeah. Administer it. Yourself be your own emt when you’re about to Die Jones E. that’s the best we got I’m sorry sorry. We’re busy making robots that can deliver drugs butts these days. Please forgive me that tangent it just pisses me off the miracles that science is doing, and yet I just have to live with this damn nut allergy. It’s so stupid why it’s Twenty Twenty we have Colin robots yet. A man can be killed by trail mix. Really that’s okay. Everybody’s fine with that. Okay. Moving on. How big is the robot? You’re wondering it’s a miraculous size. It’s about as as a few human hairs. How does it navigate the Colon Jones I’m glad you asked at Nag navigates the colon environment by doing backflips I would’ve never thought backflips maybe one day this little but robot will win the Olympics. Now, this movement allows the robot to traverse through rough terrain in the colon. In this case, it’s the colon of live enough. Mice, that’s who they tested it on their hoping to use it on humans. Obviously. Here’s a quote from one of the scientists I’m going to do my impression of a scientist. It’s a very simple robot. The magnetic field does most of the work meaning that the device doesn’t even need a battery. Thanks to all tra- sound imaging. My team was able to track its movement from outside the Colon. Amazing. Moving a robot around the colon is like using the People Walker at your airports. To get to a terminal faster, not only is the floor moving, but also the people around you also moving. What makes it difficult is that going up the colon is like swimming don’t you know it’s like going upstream like a salmon in the colon you have all these fluids and materials that are following the path but the robot is moving in the opposite direction, and as you can imagine, it’s not an easy voyage. Moving up to large animals or humans. One day may require dozens of robots. But we’re looking forward to it. We can deliver. Multiple drug payloads to multiple sites right up the colon one day. That was a professor of biomedical engineering at Purdue. Well, that was that was hurtful to do that impression. was. Very. GUTTURAL. But I think I captured the spirit of a of a colonic. Biochemist that puts robots up the butts of mice for a living. It says your best of all the researchers say it’s producing hundreds of these tiny micro bots is pretty cheap and so this is something that very excited about we’re gonNA have a bunch of robots are butts how to you feel like about this you want to Allow robots to go up your but I mean. What happens afterward though after the delivered the drugs poop out these robots I don’t understand I gotTA trust that I’m GonNa poop out like ten twelve robots that are up my but I don’t know about this very. You know it’s like when I swallowed a Lego. A, Lego. But you can imagine it’d be that it’s that kind of you know. Just nervousness that you’ve got that in your butt and you got you I I need to get this lego out of my butt. Or you know I need to get these micro robots out of my but how? would. You put a magnet at the? Your butthole and just hope that just sucks out the robots. How does it work? I need more information before I agree to have robots up my but I’m just maybe I’m old school, I must be old school. Yeah. How do you guys feel you down you down with having robots but? What I mean you lay bro it depends on how good the drugs are man. Yeah.

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