Student dressed as Hitler for book week and it was kinda okay. Fighting cock kills police chief during raid. Parents name girl Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii and loses custody. // Weird AF News is the only daily weird news podcast hosted by a comedian because I believe your daily dose of weird af stories deserves a comedic spin.
A student was allowed to dress up as Hitler for Bookweek and the principal regrets it.
A child at Saint, Philip’s sought permission to wear a costume and won a prize even won a prize for the best dressed. As Hitler along with students from a visiting school that was. Jewish. Can. You Imagine. What school is coming to visit US A. Jewish school. Now’s the time to break out my Hitler costume. It says here, the principle of Saint Philip’s regrets that a student quote with an interest in history and politics was allowed to dress up as Adolf Hitler for Book Week. The student appeared as the Nazi leader as part of Reading Week, celebrations at St. Philip’s he was also awarded one of the prizes for best for best dress. Know How who’s given this guy a prize dressed as Hitler you don’t get anything dressed as Hitler. You know you get. Maybe you get punched that seems proper. I did it is a child, but you know you get removed from the school your parents should be called. You don’t get an award. For Best. And it says here, the student was even featured in a parade that was held during the assembly come on how do you feature a kid dressed up as Hitler in your in Your parade this just sends the wrong message I don’t know how this guy slipped through the cracks. Let’s get some more information here. The principal name Roger confirmed that the student had asked quote a respected staff member for permission to dress up as Hitler and that she said, yes. Now she is absolutely shattered that she said, yes, and we’re all really concerned about her well being said the principal. Yes I’m sure she’s shattered that she said yes. Soon as she sees them in a parade, he’s probably well, I, didn’t expect a costume to be this popular. I. Didn’t expect them to win a prize in an award for best dressed i. just thought he would just blend in the background. I thought the Jewish visiting school would just ignore him. You know as Hitler in the back I didn’t think it would be such a big to do apparently the was too damn good. The principle of course, had to apologize to all the Jewish students who he said were quote absolutely fantastic and pretty accepting. Accepting of the apology or accepting that Hitler was front and Center in the parade. I mean people must have been loving the costume award ready. People this happened in Australia are they just like over it already in Australia this is not a thing like Hitler Yeah it’s Halloween. Let it go. Here’s a quote from a staff member. Look look it was very distressing. Okay. It was a poor judgment call, but the follow up and the resolution has been outstanding. Everyone’s so pleased with how cool everybody was with the Hitler situation. The staff member says this was an innocent mistake by a teacher who is respected who was honorable and a lovely person who just just got it wrong on that day the student involved has an interest in history and politics and did the right thing by getting permission for his book. Week costume. But they just have such a great attitude but this is a lovely individual. This student really just loves history so we’re like. Dress up as Hitler. We just love that you like history and politics. We hope you’re learning. The school is reviewing its policies to ensure that nothing like this can ever happen again I love how you have to let’s go sit down and review our policies. Does it say anywhere in there that no child shall dresses Hitler for Book Week. It probably should. Right Here’s the thing. You don’t need this in writing I mean everybody should just know it’s common sense that you don’t let this happen like the kid that was that got in trouble at school dressing up as Hitler for Halloween. The parents totally condoned it and it was like it was a big messy situation, but you just don’t let this happen I. Think we can all agree there certain individuals in our history that were not pleased to see again even if it’s just in costume form. Do you guys agree or what called the show six, four, six, four, five, zero, twenty, twelve.
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A fighting cock kills a police chief in a raid in the Philippines
A Philippine police officer unfortunately was killed during a raid on an illegal cockfight after a roosters blade sliced his federal artery this what the officials say this is a freak accident foreshore. Now. Cockfighting. If you don’t know, it’s a very popular blood sport in the archipelago where cash is bet on the outcome of a fight often to the death between two colorful birds armed with bladed spurs extremely dangerous. This cockfighting has been banned along with other sporting and cultural events during the pandemic in to prevent large crowds from gathering and spreading the contagion. Of course, no cockfighting in the Philippines. Obviously, you can’t have that. You can’t have gathering I’m wondering if cockfighting should be disallowed in general anyways just so damned barbaric. Dogfighting I mean how do you go and watch this happen I don’t understand it. It’s a cultural thing. You know everybody’s different people have different tastes. People are sensitive to different things. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t know if I could go and watch such things. anyways Mondays Freak accident in the central province of Northern Somare happened when. One of the lieutenants Christian bollock picked up a fighting cock as he was gathering evidence of this illegal event. The blades struck his thigh and the rest is history unfortunately here’s a quote. It was an unfortunate accident in a piece of bad luck that I cannot explain said, one of the officers I I could not believe it when it was first reported to me this is the first time in my twenty five years as a policeman that I lost a man due to a fighting cocks spur. Will how often do you allow your officers just pick up these things as you’re gathering evidence. This seems strange to me like that. You would actually gather all of the. The Cox that have blades attached to them, shouldn’t you remove the blades I or put them in a bag I dunno a cage trying to you really you just gather them with your bare hands is. This the protocol in the Philippines as far as being a police officer I’ll tell you right now I wouldn’t take any of those cases that had to do with cockfighting. Oh, you’re going to underground cockfighting thing I won’t be there. No because then you’re gonNA ask me to gather evidence and I’m going to get a blade up my ass that’s what’s going to happen. I. Can’t believe they ask their officers to do this. How much of these guys get paid? This is ridiculous. Now Look I’ll grab your Cox if it’s I mean no that came out that that was what I’m saying is I would grab the fighting birds. Or grab the fighting birds. If we just shoot him with a tranquilizer dart first and then we take the spurs off, and then we gather the evidence just grabbed these things while they have blades on them and they’re you know they’re freaking out there jumping all around. This is ridiculous. Three people were arrested in two fighting cocks were seized along with two sets of spurs in this raid. Unfortunately. They lost a man in. It’s really it was unnecessary and very sad. This could have been avoided if I was in charge.
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Parents lose custody of a girl for naming her to Lula does the Hula from Hawaii?
This is an old article that someone sent me and although it’s old I still need to do it because it is so funny and so weird I can’t believe it a nine year old girl whose parents named her to Lula does the Hula from Hawaii was put into court guardianship in New Zealand. So that her name could be changed to something normal. Of course who wants to be named to Lula does the Hula from Hawaii what is wrong with your parents? What sort of drugs are these people on? A Family Court judge named Rob Murph it Rob Murphy Robson name to that’s a terrible name. The Joe. I mean. They picked the right judge. He’s got a terrible name. He can totally empathize Rob Murphy gave the order of the name change after hearing that this child was embarrassed about her name in that. An it had refuse to reveal her name to her friends. Here’s a quote from the child’s lawyer colleen. She told people her name was K- because she feared being mocked and teased for her real name, which is to Lula does the Hula from Hawaii. How. How do you fit that on a birth certificate? How do you hand that birth certificate in? Charge of certificates that can judge right then and there it should be a job where you look at the name and you go nope you’re not doing it. You’re not naming this human to Lula, does the Hula from Hawaii? We’re going to just put a cutoff here need to go home and think about it.
You need to take a breathalyzer because I think you’re handing in this birth certificate while wasted. Unfortunately, there’s no such system but if I was in charge, there would be a system and then kids all across the world would never have to worry about going to school with some stupid as name like to Lula does the Hula from Hawaii and then being ridiculed for their entire life, and then they have the years and years of therapy and they can’t get love. The judge criticized the parents who give their offspring bizarre names frequently do they now see how should they be allowed to do such things? It’s just crazy. This is like social services needs to intervene. The judge says, this activity exposes children to ridicule among peers. The court is profoundly concerned about the very poor judgment at this parents have shown in choosing this name. It makes a fool of the child and sets her up with social disability and a handicapped and rather unnecessarily it does it makes a fool and it sets up the child with a social this ability that can, I, couldn’t say it better myself. This is a social disability. You put the child in a position to be mocked an unaccepted by peers to be ridiculed at institutions like schools and other places you know like sports, teams and whatnot I mean it’s just it’s a disaster it’s a form of abuse. The. Judge criticized the growing trend of parents choosing out of the ordinary names for their children. In his ruling, he said names such as stallion yet Detroit fishing ships, twisty, Poi- Keenan Gut look lucky and sex fruit were prohibited by registration officials already others that were permitted. Though included twins called Benson and hedges, which is a cigarette brand old one I believe other children called Midnight Chardonnay Number Sixteen bus shelter, and the judge added tragically violence was also allowed. Another mother tried to use text language for her child’s name. They weren’t even words he said. Well. What are you doing? What do you think this is all fun and Games. You can’t name your child such things. Here’s some names I looked up. These are like the worst names that have ever been handed down to a child Sam. Sung. Sad Man, which is s AA D. A. N.. P. Ns or Penis Chris P Bacon. Hitler Mussolini What Are you Dick Long I. Paul to Cock No. Mike Literatures. Mrs Weiner and Mrs, but there’s a bunch of them though. Someone was named cooking with Poo who names their child cooking with Poo. This is ridiculous. Major dickey head no doctor. These aren’t real name some of these Jesus. Condom. How how is the name? I think this is just a funny article. Batman Been Superman that’s another name I’m looking at a license. That’s the name Batman Been Superman. Oh. All right. So I mean, what did we learn? We learn that You know just parents are just regular people, men and some of them should be. They need a little bit more education before they’re allowed to choose a child’s name. That’s just my opinion I don’t know. Maybe you guys disagree call the show six, four, six, four, five, zero, two, thousand, twelve, any of you poor souls been named something just ridiculous like Lord Brain or some such thing anybody just. Just just feeling it like is your first initial F and your last name you is this is this your life here? Is Your name cash register. Are you really struggling out there call the show?
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